Airborne Scanning
Meet the VQ-1460, RIEGL's advanced airborne laser scanning system for efficient mapping. It offers regular point spacing, large measurement distances, and advanced optical tech. With online waveform processing, data storage on removable hard disks, and integrated IMU/GNSS, it's perfect for various mapping needs.
Introducing RIEGL's VQ-1260, an advanced airborne laser scanning system, ideal for diverse mapping needs. Features include regular point spacing, large measurement distances, and advanced optical technology. With high-efficiency area acquisition capabilities, it's perfect for various applications.
Introducing the RIEGL VQ-580 II-S: a compact laser scanner for mapping. With a max range of 2,450m, it's ideal for medium, wide, and corridor mapping. Easily integrated into gyro-stabilized mounts and the VQX-1 Wing Pod for aerial mapping.