Airborne Scanning
The new VQ-1560 II-S follows the successful concept of RIEGL’s proven dual channel laser scanner series. With increased laser power the operational altitudes are extended up to 1600m AGL at a pulse repetition rate of 4MHz, or up to 4000m AGL at a pulse repetition rate of 540kHz (all values given for 20% target reflectance). These improved maximum ranges allow an increase of the system’s productivity by about 25% for a very attractive point density range.
The sister type RIEGL VQ-1560i-DW offers two LiDAR channels of different wavelengths, green and infrared (IR). These wavelengths are well chosen to allow the acquisition of scan data of complementary information content, thus delivering two independent reflectance distribution maps, one per laser wavelength.
The design of the VQ-880-G II topo-bathymetric airborne laser scanning system allows flexible application of the integrated, factory-calibrated high-end GNSS/IMU system and of up to two cameras to meet specific requirements. Complemented by a RIEGL data recorder, the VQ-880-G II LiDAR system can be installed on various platforms in a straightforward way.
The RIEGL VQ-880-GH is a fully integrated airborne laser scanning system for combined hydrographic and topographic surveying
The system is offered with integrated and factory-calibrated high-end GNSS/IMU system and up to two cameras. The design allows flexible application of these components to specific requirements.
In further development of the RIEGL VQ-580 Airborne Laser Scanner Series – the RIEGL VQ-580 II presents itself in a completely new design that successfully takes up the already proven qualities and leads them to a new standard of performance and user-friendliness.
In further development of the RIEGL VQ-480 Airborne Laser Scanner Series – the RIEGL VQ-480 II presents itself in a completely new design that successfully takes up the already proven qualities and leads them to a new standard of performance and user-friendliness.
The RIEGL VP-1 HeliCopterPod is designed to offer smooth integration of airborne laser scanning systems into manned helicopters. The small and lightweight pod can be mounted on standard hard points and typical camera mounts. Quick release adapter brackets and a minimum of external cabling (i.e. power supply, LAN, GPS antenna) allow quick system installation and removal.
The RIEGL VPX-1 is a lightweight and streamlined pod that carries a complete airborne laser scanning platform for easy and quick mounting on suitable support arms on helicopters.
The Waveform Processing Airborne Laser Scanner RIEGL VQ-780 II provides further increased performance and highest productivity based on a laser pulse repetition rate of up to 2 MHz, resulting in more than 1.33 million measurements/sec on the ground.
The RIEGL VQ-780 II-S is a high performance, rugged, lightweight, and compact airborne mapping sensor. This versatile system is designed for high efficient data acquisition at low, mid, and high altitudes, covering a variety of different airborne laser scanning applications from high density to wide area mapping.
RIEGL VQX-1 Wing Pod
The RIEGL VQX-1 is a compact, rugged, and aerodynmically shaped wing pod ready for userfriendly installation and straight forward application to facilitate various airborne mapping applications.
The Waveform Processing Airborne Laser Scanner RIEGL VQ-780 II provides further increased performance and highest productivity based on a laser pulse repetition rate of up to 2 MHz, resulting in more than 1.33 million measurements/sec on the ground.
The RIEGL VQ-840-G is a fully integrated compact airborne laser scanner for combined bathymetric and topographic surveying. The system is offered with an optionally integrated and factory-calibrated GNSS/IMU system and can be complemented with an optional camera or IR rangefinder. The VQ-840-G is a compact and lightweight LiDAR system to be installed on various platforms including UAVs.
The new RIEGL VQ-840-GL is a fully integrated, compact airborne laser scanner for combined topographic and bathymetric surveying. The LiDAR system is now offered in a new design. Maintaining the proven form factor, the internal redesign and use of very lightweight material enables a reduced weight of less than 10 kg (22 lbs), making the VQ-840-GL even more suitable for UAV integration.
Riegl VQ-1460

Meet the VQ-1460, RIEGL's advanced airborne laser scanning system for efficient mapping. It offers regular point spacing, large measurement distances, and advanced optical tech. With online waveform processing, data storage on removable hard disks, and integrated IMU/GNSS, it's perfect for various mapping needs.

Riegl VQ-1260

Introducing RIEGL's VQ-1260, an advanced airborne laser scanning system, ideal for diverse mapping needs. Features include regular point spacing, large measurement distances, and advanced optical technology. With high-efficiency area acquisition capabilities, it's perfect for various applications.

Riegl VQ-580 II-S

Introducing the RIEGL VQ-580 II-S: a compact laser scanner for mapping. With a max range of 2,450m, it's ideal for medium, wide, and corridor mapping. Easily integrated into gyro-stabilized mounts and the VQX-1 Wing Pod for aerial mapping.